I’m moving into a property supplied by Bryt Energy. What should I do?

If you’re moving into a property supplied by Bryt Energy, we’ll first need you to complete our Change of Tenancy web form, which you can find here. Filling in this form will ensure a smooth and quick change of tenancy process for you, and after submitting the form our team will be in touch within 5 working days.

Where can I find my invoices?

Any invoice issued against your Bryt Energy account can be found on the customer portal. If you’ve not yet signed up to our customer portal, please contact our friendly customer services team at

I’m having trouble paying for my energy. What should I do?

If you’re having trouble with your payments, please contact us as soon as possible, so we can understand your problems and support you where possible. We’ll try to come to a suitable arrangement, however you might incur late payment interest charges, in accordance with your contract. We’ll try to collect your debt ourselves through email or phone conversations but, if we’re unable to reach a satisfactory resolution, we may refer your account to an external debt collection agency, who will collect the balance on our behalf.

For independent advice on paying your energy bills, please visit Business Debtline or Citizens Advice Bureau.

What is Bryt Energy’s fuel mix?

Our fuel mix is the ratio of different sources used to generate the electricity supplied to our customers. All UK electricity suppliers must detail their fuel mix on an annual basis to Ofgem and their customers – this is called a ‘Fuel Mix Disclosure’ or FMD. This must also include the associated carbon content so that customers can accurately measure their associated carbon emissions and compare each suppliers’ offered Fuel Mixes. Our current fuel mix can be viewed here.

Where can I get more information about smart meters?

What is a smart meter?

A smart meter is an electronical meter that records the energy you use. They are self-reading and automatically send reads to your supplier, meaning no more manual meter readings and no more estimated bills. Just automated reads, accurate bills and a better view of your electricity usage.

Energy Bills Discount Scheme

Energy Bills Discount Scheme

Please note that the Government’s Energy Bills Discount Scheme ended on 31st March 2024. If you have any questions regarding this scheme, or anything at all, you can get in touch with our friendly customer service team at 

Fuel Mix

The removal of EU Guarantees of Origin (GoO) certificates

In 2022, the Government announced that from April 1st 2023, the UK will no longer recognise EU Guarantees of Origin (GoO) certificates. To learn more about the different types of renewable energy certificates and the potential impacts this change may bring going forward, read our blog, here.

What electricity do you supply to businesses?

Our electricity supply product is zero carbon, 100% renewable, sourced solely from solar, wind and hydro (there’s no coal, gas or nuclear in our fuel mix) and has been audited and verified by an independent third party, EcoAct. They have certified that our supply is matched with Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificates, which allows our customers to report zero carbon emissions on their Scope 2 under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol market-based method. See our assurance statement here.

What is Bryt Energy’s fuel mix?

Our fuel mix is the ratio of different sources used to generate the electricity supplied to our customers. All UK electricity suppliers must detail their fuel mix on an annual basis to Ofgem and their customers – this is called a ‘Fuel Mix Disclosure’ or FMD. This must also include the associated carbon content so that customers can accurately measure their associated carbon emissions and compare each suppliers’ offered Fuel Mixes. Our current fuel mix can be viewed here.

Where do you buy your electricity from?

We purchase all our electricity through our parent company, Statkraft, who procure the electricity volume to match our customers’ contracted amount from the wholesale electricity market.

Will the electricity physically supplied into my sites all be renewable?

No. The electricity to your business is supplied via National Grid’s transmission network and local distribution networks (not directly from a renewable generator), so you will be provided with electricity from a mix of sources that the grid is being supplied with at that time from all generators – this may include fossil fuel sources. To ensure your business can show they have procured renewable electricity, we purchase Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origin (REGO) certificates, to match the electricity we supply to you. This is currently the only official method for recognising renewable electricity supply in the UK, as mandated and operated by BEIS – now known as the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero – and Ofgem. The guarantee of origin certificates prove that a quantity of renewable electricity has been generated and purchased by Bryt Energy to match your consumption volumes in a particular year.

What are renewable energy guarantee of origin certificates (REGOs)?

REGOs (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin) are certificates issued to renewable generators per megawatt hour of renewable electricity generated. These are purchased by suppliers and demonstrate to the consumer (and Ofgem) that the equivalent of their supplied electricity in a given year came from renewable generation. Without sufficient certificates, suppliers cannot claim to be providing a renewable supply.

How does Bryt Energy buy REGOs?

We source the majority of our guarantee of origin certificates through our parent company, Statkraft, but we may also purchase elsewhere to ensure we get the best price for our customers. When we purchase guarantee of origin certificates from Statkraft they can be from Statkraft-owned renewable generation assets, Statkraft-controlled renewable generation assets in their portfolio, or fully independent 3rd party renewable energy generators. However, we always ensure that we only purchase REGOs for solar, wind and hydro electricity generation.

Can my business obtain the REGOs certificates, so I know where the electricity I have purchased has been generated from?

These certificates are held by suppliers (Bryt Energy) for fuel mix reporting purposes (rather than the customer) and are submitted to Ofgem. Currently we cannot provide our customers with the identity of specific renewable generation assets (sites) that we have purchased guarantees of origin certificates for. Therefore, we also cannot issue the specific REGOs certificates to our customers to match their supply volume, as these are held by Bryt Energy.

How does my business prove we have bought zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity?

Our supply products are evidenced through our Bryt Energy renewable contract certificates that we can provide to our customers. This certificate confirms that the customer on contract with us is being supplied with electricity that’s been sourced solely from zero carbon, 100% renewable sources, Solar, Wind and Hydro, for that contract period. The customer is therefore able to report zero carbon emissions for electricity consumption in Scope 2 under the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol market-based method. We also recommend keeping our EcoAct Assurance Statement with your Bryt Energy renewable contract certificate to show your supply has been audited and verified as zero carbon and 100% renewable. Please contact if you wish to receive your own Bryt Energy renewable contract certificate.

What is the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol?

The GHG (Greenhouse Gas) Protocol is a set of internationally accepted standards of measuring and reporting emissions. The guidance categorises emissions activities into different scopes for accounting and reporting purposes.

What are the GHG scopes?

The GHG Protocol have defined three scopes of emissions which are essentially who ‘owns’ those emissions and how much control a company has to change or influence them:

  • Scope 1 covers direct emissions from owned or controlled sources, like the gas used to heat a building or the fuel used in the company’s fleet of vehicles.
  • Scope 2 covers indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the company.
  • Scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain, like the emissions from commuting to work, or purchased goods and services.

What are Transmission and Distribution (T&D) losses?

Transmission and distribution (T&D) losses refer to the losses that occur in the transportation of electricity between the sources of generation and the end customer. Bryt Energy purchases and retires sufficient REGOs each year to cover the electricity lost in the transmission and distribution of your electricity. This is calculated based on the annual loss factor published by the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, as part of their ‘Fuel Mix Disclosure Data Table’, and is built into our own Fuel Mix Disclosure (FMD).

What is the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) protocol market-based method?

The GHG Protocol Scope 2 market-based method reflects emissions from electricity that companies have purposefully chosen to procure and report on.   This differs from the GHG protocol Scope 2 location-based method, which looks at the average carbon emissions for the country of operation, which is mandatory to include on your GHG reporting. For the UK, you can find the location-based average emission factors from the Government website which are updated annually.

Change of Tenancy

I’m moving into a property supplied by Bryt Energy. What should I do?

If you’re moving into a property supplied by Bryt Energy, we’ll first need you to complete our Change of Tenancy web form, which you can find here. Filling in this form will ensure a smooth and quick change of tenancy process for you, and after submitting the form our team will be in touch within 5 working days.

I’m moving out of a property supplied by Bryt Energy. What should I do?

If you’re moving out of a property supplied by Bryt Energy, we’ll first need you to complete our Change of Tenancy web form, which you can find here. Filling in this form will ensure a smooth and quick change of tenancy process for you, and after submitting the form our team will be in touch within 5 working days.

What evidence do I need for a COT (Change of Tenancy)?

You can find the information and evidence needed for a Change of Tenancy on our web form, which you can access here.

As well as the information on this form, we’ll also need a copy of one of the following supporting documents to help us verify the change:

  • Your lease/tenancy agreement
  • A letter from your solicitor
  • A completion agreement
  • A land registry document confirming the current liable party
  • A surrender agreement

It’s crucial that these supporting documents are provided, as without them we’ll be unable to process your requested change and the current account will continue to be invoiced with the existing customer details we have for the property. To check if any other forms of COT evidence are suitable, please get in touch with our customer service team, who will be be able to confirm this with you.

I’m moving into a property supplied by Bryt Energy. When will I receive my first bill?

Once we have all of the correct information, we’ll complete your Change of Tenancy within 5 working days and endeavour to produce a first invoice for you within 10 working days. Deemed rates Please note that after your COT has been completed, you will automatically be placed onto our Deemed rates. Deemed rates are likely to be higher than contracted rates and we would encourage you to review the market and get in contact with energy suppliers who may be able to offer you a new contract at this time. If you would like to discuss a new electricity supply contract with Bryt Energy*, please get in contact with us as soon as possible via email at and quote your business’s registered name, or you can contact the Energy Consultants you use to arrange your energy supply contracts. Next steps Going forward, if you wish to pay your bills by a Direct Debit, you can set this up online by visiting our Direct Debit mandate set up page, here. And if you’d like to sign up to our customer portal to manage your account, view your bills and submit your meter readings, get in touch with our team, here. Support If you’re having any trouble with your payments, please contact us as soon as possible or visit here for more information on the support and advise available.   *Please note that a contract offer is subject to our Credit Policy and the estimated amount of electricity you expect to consume.

I’m moving out of a property supplied by Bryt Energy. When will I receive my final bill?

Once we have all of the correct information, we’ll complete your Change of Tenancy within 5 working days and endeavour to produce a final invoice for you within 10 working days. If your final bill has been issued with an accurate meter reading and your final balance is in credit then we will refund the balance to you automatically within 10 working days. For more information on our refunds process, please visit here.

Switching to Bryt Energy

Faster Switching

Faster Switching is the Ofgem regulatory project which aims to ensure that energy customers can switch their supplier easily and with confidence.   The industry wide go live date is the 20th July 2022 and from this date all non-domestic suppliers will be able to offer customers the ability to switch energy supplier within 2 working days.   At Bryt Energy we are proud that we have historically been able to offer customers the ability to change supplier within 2 working days and can see the positive benefits this project implementation will have for customers being able to do this with any supplier in the industry.   Due to the industry system changes being made, there will be a period from late June until the 20th July where any Change of Supply requests we receive may take longer than usual to complete. We will proactively communicate with any impacted customers so that you will know if you are affected and can understand what this will mean for your energy supply switching process.

Why has my transfer over to Bryt Energy’s electricity supply been objected to?

We recommend contacting your current electricity supplier, as they will be able to explain why there has been an objection with your transfer. An energy supplier will usually object to a change of supply request if they believe there is an unpaid balance on your account or there is still a live contract which has not yet been terminated.

What do I need to do when my supply starts with Bryt Energy?

To ensure your switch to Bryt Energy goes smoothly, we ask that you:


  • Check that your contact details are up-to-date and accurate.

  • Ensure you have signed up to your online customer portal, where you can access your account balance, view your half-hourly data and submit meter reads. Get in touch with our friendly team at to set up your account.

  • Submit a meter read, if you have a non-half hourly meter, within 5 working days of your supply start date. We’ll use these to open your new account and will send these to your old supplier so they can close your previous account with them.

Can I choose the date that I start being supplied by Bryt Energy?

Yes, you can choose the date you’d like to be supplied by us from. Your start date will be in your contract and, unless there are any objections, we can transfer your supply to us within 1 working day.


Your existing electricity supplier will typically raise an objection for one of the following reasons:


  • If they believe there is still an existing contract that has not reached its end date.
  • If there is an outstanding balance on your account.


If an objection is raised, it can cause a delay to your supply start date. To ensure we can register your electricity supply as quickly as possible, please contact your current supplier and ask them to explain why they have raised an objection for you leaving them. Please let us know when this has been rectified so we can continue our change of supply process.

Will I need to submit meter readings when I switch to Bryt Energy?

If you have a non half hourly meter, we will need a meter reading within 5 working days of your supply start date. We’ll use these to open your new account and will send these to your old supplier so they can close your previous account with them.  

If you have a smart meter or half-hourly meter, we don’t require a read from you.

Deemed and Out of Contract Rates

Why have your Deemed and Out of Contracts rates been so varied this year?

Due to the ongoing market volatility, we review our Deemed and Out of Contract rates regularly, letting our customers know if there’s any updates. Our pricing methodology has been consistent over many months and any changes to tariff rates over time are in response to changes in costs, particularly the cost of wholesale electricity and the price volatility in the wholesale market.  Our Deemed and Out of Contract rates are determined using a pricing methodology that is comparable to how we price other contracts, taking into account the costs and risks incurred on meters under these contracts.   To view our latest rates, please visit here. 

Why are Deemed and Out of Contract rates typically higher than other contracted rates?

The nature of Deemed and Out of Contract tariffs means that we don’t always know who will be on these tariffs, how long they will remain on these tariffs for, what kind of meters in which locations they will have, and how much energy will be used. In addition, the tariff rates are not bespoke to individual customers or meters but are set at an aggregate level. These characteristics of Deemed and Out of Contracts make them significantly more risky to us as your Supplier than other contract types, and these higher risks are reflected in the tariff rates that are applied.  Also, we review our Deemed and Out of Contract rates regularly to ensure they are in line with the electricity market, and notify our customers of any updates. To view our latest rates, please visit here. 

Smart Meters

2024 smart meter installation target

Here at Bryt Energy, we are committed to ensuring our 2024 Ofgem-set target of installing 33 smart meters is met. We know that smart meters will be key in supporting the transition to a net zero energy system, and are therefore committed to supporting as many customers as we can to switch to smart meters. If you are an existing customer and are interested in having a smart meter installed, please get in touch with our friendly team of experts at You can also learn more about the benefits of smart meters, here, or by reading our latest blog.

2023 smart meter installation target

In 2023, we worked hard to ensure we met our annual target of installing 262 smart meters. We’re proud to say that, by the end of the year, we installed a total of 593 smart meters, exceeding our industry target by almost double.

Consolidated Metering Code of Practice

Here at Bryt Energy, we comply with the Consolidated Metering Code of Practice (CoMCoP). This is to ensure our customers received a high standard of service throughout their smart meter installation. If you’d like to learn more about the code of practice, you can read it here. If you have any questions about the smart meter installation process, you can get in touch with our friendly team of experts at

Where can I get more information about smart meters?

Are smart meters safe?

Yes, smart meters went through testing and are covered by strict EU and UK safety laws. Public Health England have conducted an independent assessment and have issued a statement confirming there is no risk. Please see the link below for more information:,pose%20a%20risk%20to%20health

What happens at the appointment?

We want to make sure you have all the information you need on what to expect and how to prepare for your install. You can find this information on our website, here. Please read through this carefully and forward these details on to any other relevant members within your company.

And if you have any queries at all, please get in touch with us.

Does my power have to be switched off?

Yes, your electricity supply will be down for 20-40 minutes however, it can take up to an hour on some occasions.

What’s the difference between the first generation smart meter and the second generation smart meter?

First generation smart meters (SMET1) supported accurate billing however, they are not always compatible with other energy supplies. So when you switch suppliers, this type of smart meter may lose functionality. The DCC (Data Communications Company) are working closely with energy companies to migrate SMETS1 meters. When complete, many more consumers will enjoy the full benefit of their smart meter. You can learn more about this, here. Second generation smart meters (SMETS2) support accurate billing and are compatible across the industry, so you can switch suppliers with ease and keep your smart meter, without losing any functionality. We only offer these types of smart meters to our customers.

What data does my smart meter collect?

As part of having a smart meter installed, you are consenting to the below:

  • Bryt Energy will remotely read your smart meter once a month to obtain an invoicing read.
  • Bryt Energy will remotely read your smart meter to assist in any business processes, such as Change of Tenancy, to ensure accurate invoicing.

Can I move to a different supplier if I get a smart meter installed?

Yes, we only install second generation smart meters, which allow you to move to a different supplier should you wish, without the meter losing its functionality.

Can I get a smart meter if I rent the property?

If you pay the energy bills for your property, it is up to you if you would like a smart meter and you do not need to ask for permission from your landlord. However, if your landlord pays the bills, you will need to ask them for permission before installing a smart meter.

Is it free to get a smart meter?

We install smart meters free of charge to your business. Installation is between 8:00 – 17:00, Monday to Friday. However, if you require an appointment in the evenings or weekends, we will charge you for an out of hours install. So if you require an appointment outside of these times, please discuss this when booking your installation.

What is a smart meter?

A smart meter is an electronical meter that records the energy you use. They are self-reading and automatically send reads to your supplier, meaning no more manual meter readings and no more estimated bills. Just automated reads, accurate bills and a better view of your electricity usage.

Phishing and Fraud Controls

Phishing and Fraud Controls

Bryt Energy takes the protection of its customer data extremely seriously and we remain vigilant against the continuing cyber threats that companies face. Our employees are provided with the appropriate training to identify potential phishing or malicious activities, and our IT security infrastructure provides further protection against such attacks. Our customer service team will always ensure that full data protection verification checks are completed when we call you, so that we can verify who we are speaking to. You can have confidence that by completing these checks we are ensuring that your data is protected.  Companies who act fraudulently to attempt to access your data don’t just pretend to be banks or credit card companies, they can also pose as your energy supplier. Sometimes emails or calls can be received from people pretending to be from legitimate sources requesting that you disclose your personal or company information. If an email is sent from Bryt Energy, it will only be from one of our approved email domains. Please get in touch if you would like to check these with us.Please be aware that we also occasionally send out surveys to our customers and partners through our customer satisfaction platform. We will never ask for any personal information related to your account, only feedback in order to continually improve our level of service. If you are concerned that you may have received a call or email from someone you believe isn’t an employee of Bryt Energy, please contact us on 0330 0538620 or forward on any suspicious emails to We will then be able to assist you with your concerns and provide you with any help you need.

How can I spot a phishing attempt?

Companies who act fraudulently to attempt to access your data don’t just pretend to be banks or credit card companies, they can also pose as your energy supplier. Sometimes emails or calls can be received from people pretending to be from legitimate sources requesting that you disclose your personal or company information. If an email is sent from Bryt Energy, it will only be from one of our approved email domains. Please get in touch if you would like to check these with us. Please be aware that we also occasionally send out surveys to our customers and partners through our customer satisfaction platform. We will never ask for any personal information related to your account, only feedback in order to continually improve our level of service. If you are concerned that you may have received a call or email from someone you believe isn’t an employee of Bryt Energy, please contact us on 0330 0538620 or forward on any suspicious emails to We will then be able to assist you with your concerns and provide you with any help you need.

I think I have received a phishing email or call. What should I do?

If an email is sent from Bryt Energy, it will only be from one of our approved email domains. Please get in touch if you would like to check these with us. Please be aware that we also occasionally send out surveys to our customers and partners through our customer satisfaction platform. We will never ask for any personal information related to your account, only feedback in order to continually improve our level of service. If you are concerned that you may have received a call or email from someone you believe isn’t an employee of Bryt Energy, please contact us on 0330 0538620 or forward on any suspicious emails to We will then be able to assist you with your concerns and provide you with any help you need. You can learn more about the Phishing and Fraud controls we have in place, here:  

Meter Reads

Why am I receiving meter reading reminders?

We want to make sure you’re billed as accurately as possible. Regular meter readings help us to do this by avoiding estimating your usage.

Regular meter readings allow you to monitor your usage and see how your consumption changes throughout the year. They also ensure your Direct Debit is set to the correct amount, even if you choose to switch suppliers.

In comparison, if you don’t supply regular meter reads, we may have to estimate your annual consumption (EAC) and therefore your Direct Debit payment could be set higher than what you are actually using.

Where can I submit meter readings?

If you have a non-half hourly meter you can submit a meter reading through your online portal account. You will need to select the ‘Meter Reading’ option from the dropdown menu and enter your meter reading and the date it was obtained before submitting.

Do I need to provide meter readings if I have a half hourly, AMR or smart meter?

No, we receive all half hourly, AMR and smart information automatically, which helps us provide you with accurate bills. If you don’t have a half hourly meter, you can submit your meter readings with ease, through our online customer portal. If you’ve not yet signed up to our customer portal, please contact our helpful customer support at

Do you offer Feed-In Tariffs?

We don’t currently support feed-in tariffs. However, you can still join Bryt Energy for your electricity supply and keep your feed-in tariff with your previous supplier.

Invoices and Payments

Where can I find my invoices?

Any invoice issued against your Bryt Energy account can be found on the customer portal. If you’ve not yet signed up to our customer portal, please contact our friendly customer services team at

How long will it take for my first invoice to be generated?

Before we can produce your first invoice, we have to wait to receive all industry data. This process usually ranges between 6-8 weeks.

Do you provide a statement of account?

We offer a downloadable version of your statement via our online customer portal here. If you’ve not yet set up your customer portal account, please contact our customer service team at

I wish to pay my account by Direct Debit. How can I do this?

If you wish to pay by a Direct Debit then we would request that you set it up online by visiting our Direct Debit mandate set up page here. We are unable to accept paper Direct Debit mandates.

What does ‘Credit’ mean?

‘Credit’ on your invoice indicates a positive balance on your account. This might be because you’ve paid for more electricity than you’ve used. We do not automatically refund credit balances if we are still supplying you, as we will use this credit to offset future consumption charges as we bill you. However, if you would prefer the balance to be refunded, as long as we have billed you up to date with actual readings and all balances across your accounts with us are paid in full, you can request your refund. For more information on credit and refunds, as well as how to receive a final credit refund, visit:  

What does ‘Debt’ mean?

If your account balance is in ‘Debt’ on your invoice (also known as ‘Debit’), it might mean you have used more electricity than you have paid for. Debt on an account balance can usually be rectified, typically through setting up a direct debit or reducing your electricity usage. However, if you feel you are unable to pay your invoice, please get in touch with our Customer Operations team as soon as possible so that we can discuss this with you. If you would prefer to speak to someone else for free and independent financial advice, then the Business Debt Line are available to help you at or on 0800 1976026. You can also contact Citizens Advice if you need help with an energy problem, by either visiting their website at or calling their customer service team on 0808 223 1133, for free.


My account is in credit. What should I do?

Please ensure an actual meter reading has been submitted, rather than an estimated meter read, if this is what we have used on your recent invoice. We do not automatically refund credit balances if we are still supplying you, as we will use this credit to offset future consumption charges as we bill you. If you would prefer the balance to be refunded, as long as we have billed you up to date with actual readings and all balances across your accounts with us are paid in full, then please email to request your refund. Please note refund payments, once approved, usually take 3-5 working days to be returned to your account from the date the refund is submitted. If you make your payments to us via Direct Debit, your refund will be processed and returned to you through the same Direct Debit mandate which is used to make payment to us. If you make your payments to us via BACS, we will require evidence of your banking details to enable us to process your refund request. Please send a copy of your letterheaded banking details to to allow us to process your request. It is important this documentation is provided so that we can validate your request, and a delay in receipt of this document may result in a delay in our refund of any credit balances owed to you.

My final balance shows I’m in credit. How do I receive my refund?

Firstly, if you are moving properties, please ensure an actual meter read has been submitted. If we have used an estimated reading on your final bill, we will be unable to refund any remaining credit until we can bill you using an accurate reading. Once your final bill is issued and any other accounts you have with us have all been paid in full, any remaining credit balance will be refunded to you. If you make your payments to us via Direct Debit, your refund will be processed and automatically returned to you within 10 working days, through the same Direct Debit mandate which is used to make payment to us. If you make your payments to us via BACS, we will require evidence of your banking details to enable us to process your refund request. Please send a copy of your letterheaded banking details to to allow us to process your request. It is important this documentation is provided so that we can validate your request, and a delay in receipt of this document may result in a delay in our refund of any credit balances owed to you.


What should I do if I’m unhappy?

Here at Bryt Energy, we are committed to providing a high level of service to all our customers. If you feel we’ve let you down in anyway, please contact our Customer Service team on 0330 053 8620 or at

If we have not been able to resolve your complaint, you can get in touch with the Energy Ombudsman on 0330 440 1624 or at For more information on our complaints support process, visit here.

Step 1: Contacting us with your complaint

In the first instance, please contact our customer care team. By telephone: 0330 053 8620 (opening hours – 8.30am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday) By email: By post: Complaints Department, Bryt Energy, 1 Victoria Square, Birmingham B1 1BD Please have your account number to hand as this will help us deal with your issue more quickly. You can find this on any contract, bill or statement documents we’ve previously sent you. We’ll always aim to resolve your complaint the first time you contact us, within 14 days. The resolution could include: – We provide an apology – An explanation from Bryt Energy – A service or action that benefits you (e.g. removal of incorrectly billed charges) – Compensation (if applicable) Where this isn’t possible, we’ll provide you with a dedicated complaint handler who’ll communicate with you regularly to keep you up to date with our progress in resolving your issue. Please note that we will keep a written record of your complaint as well as any agreed resolution that we’ve reached.

Step 2: Escalation where an issue’s unresolved

If we haven’t resolved your complaint to your satisfaction, you can ask your dedicated complaints handler to provide you with the appropriate manager’s contact details so you can escalate the issue. The manager will aim to write back to you within five working days of receiving your communication either with a proposed resolution or a full description of our next steps. If you’re unhappy with the way we’ve handled your complaint at any point, you can ask us to conduct an internal review. A manager will then contact you as soon as possible to seek additional information to help inform that review.

Step 3: External review option

If your complaint has still not been resolved to a satisfactory level, you can also seek external advice and support: The Citizens Advice Energy service provides free, confidential and impartial advice on any issues you may have in relation to your energy supply. You can contact them by phone: 0808 223 1133 (opening hours – 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday). Or you can visit their website for more information at You also have the option to refer your complaint to the Energy Ombudsman if: We’ve reached a stalemate despite our best efforts and we’ve stated that there is nothing further that we can do to resolve the complaint. We will issue you with a deadlock letter if this were to happen. OR It’s been 8 weeks since you raised the complaint and you feel that we haven’t resolved your complaint to your satisfaction. The Energy Ombudsman is an independent, free to use service that resolves customer complaints in an impartial manner. Once a complaint has been referred to the Energy Ombudsman, it will then investigate the issue with both you and us. You are not bound by any ruling that the Energy Ombudsman may issue but we would be. That decision may include: – That we provide an apology – An explanation from Bryt Energy – A service or action that benefits you (e.g. removal of incorrectly billed charges) – Compensation (if applicable) You can reach the Energy Ombudsman; By phone: 0330 440 1624 (Monday to Friday, 8am to 8pm, and Saturday, 9am to 1pm) By email: Online: By post: Energy Ombudsman, PO Box 966, Warrington, WA4 9DF   Further independent advice for micro businesses If you are a microbusiness and wish to make a complaint about an energy consultant, you can contact the Energy Ombudsman using the details above. We will fully co-operate with both the Energy Ombudsman and Citizens Advice if you wish to involve them in seeking an acceptable resolution to your complaint.

Our Science Based Targets

What is the SBTi?

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) provides a framework and guidelines for companies to set targets that are in line with the latest climate science and the objectives of the Paris Agreement, which aims to limit global warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. This ensures businesses are playing their part in global action to tackle climate change, with verifiable pathways to reduce their emissions.  

What did the SBTi validation journey involve?

Understanding our carbon footprint has been a long journey and is something that will continue as we delve deeper into the detail.   After working with our consultants EcoAct in 2021 to retrospectively fully map our carbon footprint for the first time, we had the information we needed to begin setting our carbon reduction targets in line the Science Based Targets initiative.   After understanding our baseline year (2020) and estimating our business growth, we set ambitious yet realistic targets to reduce our emissions year on year to 2030, which we then submitted for SBTi validation in 2022.   In September 2023, after a robust process, our targets were approved and considered in line with a 1.5°C trajectory. We see this a major milestone in our own sustainability journey and have committed to reporting our progress each year in Bryt by Nature, our sustainable business report.  

What are your SBTi targets?

We have two near-term targets: 

  • Bryt Energy commits to reduce absolute Scope 1 and Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions 90% by 2030 from a 2020 base year. 
  • Bryt Energy also commits to reduce Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions 52% per megawatt hour (MWh) of renewable electricity supplied within the same timeframe. 

How are your SBTi targets measured?

Our first target is an absolute reduction target for both our Scope 1 and Scope 2 carbon emissions, which cover our gas and electricity usage respectively in our Birmingham office and commits us to reduce these emissions by 90% by 2030 from our 2020 base year.   Our second target is a physical intensity target (a target defined by a reduction in emissions relative to a specific business metric) to reduce our Scope 3 emissions per megawatt hour (MWh) of renewable electricity we supply to our customers.   Our Scope 3 target is to reduce our emissions per MWh of renewable electricity supplied by 7% every year until 2030.   We measure progress towards our targets by reporting on our annual carbon emissions each year, and you can read more about this and our SBTi targets in our Bryt by Nature report here.  

How are you doing in meeting your targets?

We are currently on track to meet both of our SBTi 2030 targets, which can be attributed to engaging with our supplies to get more accurate data for carbon emissions reporting and their own efforts towards reducing emissions. You can read more about this in our Bryt by Nature report.

Have you set a SBTi Net Zero target?

We have not set a Net Zero target with SBTi. Our validated SBTi targets are near-term targets, committing us to ‘immediate’ action – in our case by 2030.  Near-term science-based targets[1] outline what companies will do now, and over the next 5-10 years, to reduce emissions in line with what the latest climate science deems necessary to limit warming to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. SBTi Net Zero targets indicate the degree of emission reductions organisations need to achieve net-zero according to the SBTi’s Corporate Net-Zero Standard criteria.[2] To reach net zero under this criterion, companies must reduce their carbon emissions across all 3 scopes by at least 90%. For the power sector, which includes us, targets need to be achieved by 2040 – as opposed to the standard SBTi Net Zero timeline of 2050. 82% of our carbon footprint is associated with the Scope 3 emissions from leakage of SF6  from the UK’s electricity transmission infrastructure, which does not have an SBTi Net Zero target for 2040.  Because our emission reductions rely so heavily on this, and are outside of our direct control, we are unable to commit to a SBTi Net Zero target at this point in time. As a result, we have withdrawn our commitment to set a Net Zero target with the SBTi.  However, we will continue to monitor our progress, with our key focus to ensure that we are reducing carbon emissions in line with our existing commitments and will continue to review our position on setting SBTi Net Zero targets. [1] [2]

Energy Market

Energy Bills Discount Scheme

Please note that the Government’s Energy Bills Discount Scheme ended on 31st March 2024. If you have any questions regarding this scheme, or anything at all, you can get in touch with our friendly customer service team at 

What are renewable energy guarantee of origin certificates (REGOs)?

REGOs (Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin) are certificates issued to renewable generators per megawatt hour of renewable electricity generated. These are purchased by suppliers and demonstrate to the consumer (and Ofgem) that the equivalent of their supplied electricity in a given year came from renewable generation. Without sufficient certificates, suppliers cannot claim to be providing a renewable supply.

Energy Bill Relief Scheme

Energy Bills Discount Scheme

Please note that the Government’s Energy Bills Discount Scheme ended on 31st March 2024. If you have any questions regarding this scheme, or anything at all, you can get in touch with our friendly customer service team at 

General Queries

Do you have a paper copy of the Direct Debit form?

We are unable to accept paper Direct Debit mandates. If you wish to pay by a Direct Debit then we would request that you set it up online by visiting our Direct Debit mandate set up page, here.

I have a few accounts with Bryt Energy and have registered to the portal but can only see one. How do I gain access to the remaining accounts?

Contact our helpful customer support team at to confirm you have successfully registered to our online customer portal. If you have, we will be able to ensure you have access to all of your accounts.

Where can I find my account balance?

Your current account balance will be displayed on the ‘Account summary’ page of your customer portal account.

How do I download my statements of accounts?

To download your statements of accounts, you’ll need to log on to your customer portal and visit the Transaction Summary section. You will be asked to select a start & end date for the transaction summary you wish to view, which you can then download as a PDF.

How do I get access to my half hourly data?

You can access your half hourly data by visiting your account on your Bryt customer portal and selecting ‘Meter information’ on your account summary. You will be able to select a meter point and date range before downloading your half hourly data.

Where can I look for independent energy advice and support?

There are a variety of places you can go to for independent energy advice and support. If you need help with an energy problem – for example with your bills or meters, or if you’re struggling to pay for the energy you use – please contact Citizens Advice. They’re the official source of free and independent energy advice and support. You can visit them at or call their customer service team on 0808 223 1133, for free. If it is specifically financial help you are seeking, Business Debt Line can offer you free and independent financial advice. You can get in touch with them at or on 0800 1976026. You can also find a range of helpful resources on Ofgem’s website, who are the Government regulator for the electricity and gas markets. This includes:

  • Information on setting up a business energy contract:  
  • Advice and support on switching energy suppliers, including information on compensation if you encounter any problems:

Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) Meters

When will Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) meters stop functioning?

Please note that the technology that supports RTS meters will end in June 2025. Without this technology, from July 1st, RTS meters will stop functioning properly and will no longer be fit for purpose. 

How to check if your meter uses Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS)?

You can check if your meter uses RTS by looking for a Radio Teleswitch Service label on either your meter or a separate box next to your meter. You can learn more and find examples on the Citizens Advice website here. 

What does Radio Teleswitch Service (RTS) ending mean for my business?

If your business has an RTS meter, you will need to upgrade to a smart meter to avoid implications such as: 

  • Your heating and hot water being left continuously on or off.  
  • Your electric storage heaters charging at the wrong time of day, possibly leading to higher bills. 
  • As your supplier, we may be unable confirm your electricity usage during peak or off-peak times, leading to higher electricity costs.  
  • You may also have a more limited choice of contracts. 
Smart meters can offer automated reads, accurate bills and a better way to monitor your energy consumption. You can find more information on smart meters here.  To discuss or arrange a smart meter installation, please get in touch with us at and one of our friendly team will be happy to help.    

Energy Theft

What is energy theft?

Energy theft is attempting to reduce the amount paid for electricity and gas by tampering with meters. Meter tampering is illegal and dangerous, which can result in property damage, injuries and even death.   To anonymously report energy theft, visit Stay Energy Safe or call 0800 023 2777. 

How to identify potential energy theft?

Energy Theft is illegal, dangerous and commonly carried out through meter tampering, which can result in property damage, injuries and even death.   You can identify tempering when looking at a meter through common signs such as: 

  • wires sticking out, wrapped around or added with clips 
  • damaged casing around any wires 
  • electricity supply with no credit on prepayment meters 
  • a burning smell 
  • smoke or sparks near the meter 
To anonymously report energy theft, visit Stay Energy Safe or call 0800 023 2777.

How to report potential energy theft?

Energy Theft is illegal and dangerous, so we encourage all customers to report any suspicion of energy theft or meter tampering. There are a number of ways you can report this:   You can anonymously report energy theft online at Stay Energy Safe or call 0800 023 2777.  Alternatively, you can get in touch with us directly on 0330 053 8630 or email, if you think that theft is occurring on a meter we supply.   For more information on this topic, visit the Stay Energy Safe website, here 


How do settlements affect my energy?

Aside from allowing the energy you use to be settled properly within the industry, regular readings will allow Bryt Energy to bill you as accurately as possible, rather than relying on estimates which may be higher than the actual amount of energy you have used.

This will in turn allow you to assess your energy usage and budget accordingly.

What do I need to do?

In order to settle the energy usage correctly, Bryt Energy will need you to provide regular meter readings so that we know how much energy you have used.

If you have a SMART or AMR meter, this will provide us with accurate automatic readings and you will not need to take any action to provide any additional readings to us.

If you have a dial meter you will receive a monthly request for meter readings by email asking you to submit them via the online portal or by email to

What is a settlement?

The electricity Bryt Energy supplies to you is generated from zero carbon, 100% renewable sources. The role of the settlement team is to ensure energy generation providers are correctly paid and the industry is informed with details of the specific energy used. This ensures enough power is generated without wasted energy and keeps the supply of energy reliable.


I’m a microbusiness that’s searching for a new energy supply contract. Where can I look for impartial advice and support on this?

For independent advice and support on finding a new energy supply contract, you can visit the Citizens Advice website, here.

How do I know if I’m a micro business customer?

Ofgem defines a non-domestic consumer as a micro business if they meet one of the following criteria: employs fewer than 10 employees (or their full time equivalent) and has an annual turnover or balance sheet no greater than €2 million; or uses no more than 100,000 kWh of electricity per year.

Who can I speak to if I need financial help?

We would always encourage you to get in touch with our Customer Operations team as soon as you feel you are unable to pay your invoice so that we can discuss this with you.

If you would prefer to speak to someone else for free and independent financial advice then the Business Debt Line are available to help you at or on 0800 1976026.

How often will my meter be read?

We would encourage you to submit an actual meter reading on a monthly basis to ensure that your bills are accurately produced using the correct consumption levels. We will send you a meter reading reminder on a monthly basis and you can submit your reading through your online Bryt Energy portal. We will use the reading provided if it is reasonably accurate and if we view it as being incorrect we will take all reasonable steps to contact you to obtain a new meter reading. We will also take all reasonable steps to obtain a meter reading from your site on an annual basis.

How will you use my smart meter data?

Under the Smart Energy Code (SEC), we are allowed to take a meter reading from you once a month. If we need to take more than one meter reading per month, we will ask for your explicit consent and will let you know how we’ll use your data.

I’m on out of contract rates, what should I do?

To see our deemed and out of contract rates, please visit here. If you’d like to switch to one of our zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity contracts, please get in touch at or on 0330 053 8620.

What can I expect when my contract with Bryt Energy is coming to an end?

·We will give you a minimum of 60 working days notice of when you are approaching your contract end date.

·You can terminate your contract with us at the end of your supply contract, as long as you give 30 working days’ notice before the end of your contract end date. We will provide confirmation of your termination within 5 working days of receiving your notice.

As a microbusiness, what can I expect when I switch to Bryt Energy?

If you are a microbusiness, we will ensure:  

  • The terms of your contract are clearly stated before you switch to us, and that they are easy to understand.
  • Your contract duration and end date are prominent and easy to access.
  • Within 10 working days of you switching to us, we will provide you with your Terms and Conditions and a statement of your renewal terms.

Can my invoice be backdated?

We always try to ensure that your bills are issued accurately every month. Unfortunately on some occasions we receive delayed industry information which means we need to backdate your invoices, or issue you a new invoice for a previously unbilled period.

If you are a microbusiness customer then we will not bill you for charges which have been incurred 12 months prior. The only exceptions are where we have tried to gather the required information and this has not been possible.

Where can I look for independent energy advice and support?

There are a variety of places you can go to for independent energy advice and support. If you need help with an energy problem – for example with your bills or meters, or if you’re struggling to pay for the energy you use – please contact Citizens Advice. They’re the official source of free and independent energy advice and support. You can visit them at or call their customer service team on 0808 223 1133, for free. If it is specifically financial help you are seeking, Business Debt Line can offer you free and independent financial advice. You can get in touch with them at or on 0800 1976026. You can also find a range of helpful resources on Ofgem’s website, who are the Government regulator for the electricity and gas markets. This includes:

  • Information on setting up a business energy contract:  
  • Advice and support on switching energy suppliers, including information on compensation if you encounter any problems:

Get In Touch

What should I do if I’m unhappy?

Here at Bryt Energy, we are committed to providing a high level of service to all our customers. If you feel we’ve let you down in anyway, please contact our Customer Service team on 0330 053 8620 or at

If we have not been able to resolve your complaint, you can get in touch with the Energy Ombudsman on 0330 440 1624 or at For more information on our complaints support process, visit here.

What’s the best way to contact you?

You can contact our helpful customer service team at or on 0330 0538620. All emails will be responded to within 2 working days.

Bryt Envision

Is there a cost?

No, this is a free service for all Bryt Energy customers with half-hourly AMR (Automated Meter Reading) meters.

How can I view my data?

You can access your data via the Homepage of Bryt Envision, anywhere, anytime. The platform can be viewed from either a desktop or on your mobile, and you can also have multiple users set up to access your data.

What reports can I run from Bryt Envision?

There are many reports you can run on this platform. Some of the most popular reports include half-hourly electricity consumption data, power factor and maximum demand.

All reports can be viewed in a browser, downloaded, or sent straight to your email address, and some are available in both graph and csv format.

Here to Help

Our friendly customer service team are on hand to support you with any queries you have. You can get in touch with us between

Monday – Friday, 8.30am – 5.00pm


1 Victoria Square
B1 1BD

Call us

0330 053 8620