We’re proud to announce the launch of our partnership with Wattstor, a pioneer in intelligent energy management systems, and our new combined offering: MarketShield. Combining our zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity supply and unique access to electricity market revenue streams, alongside Wattstor’s pioneering optimisation technology, our offering enables industrial and commercial end-users to take advantage of the electricity market volatility, whilst maintaining supply cost certainty. We’re delighted to offer a solution in line with our shared commitment to sustainability, that will help businesses to reach both their environmental and financial goals.

You can visit Wattstor’s website for more information: https://wattstor.com/insight/press-release-bryt-energy-wattstor-partner-for-launch-of-marketshield-risk-free-electricity-market-access-for-mid-size-ic/

We’ve collaborated with edie in publishing their business guide to net zero, which outlines the steps that businesses need to consider to create effective, science-based net zero targets, as well as how they can take action on them.

The guide features an industry viewpoint from our Head of Energy Transition, Stuart Taylor, who suggests that businesses will need electricity procurement strategies that incorporate good quality data, integrate new technologies, and focus on optimisation to deliver energy security and achieve their sustainability goals. He also emphasises the importance of collaboration in improving ways of working; Businesses need to consider holistic, long-term solutions that engage all their internal teams, partners, suppliers and stakeholders to create a cohesive electricity procurement strategy.

You can read the full report here: https://www.edie.net/partner-content/the-business-guide-to-net-zero/

In a recent collaborative effort with us, the Institute of Workplace and Facilities Management (IWFM) have unveiled a report providing informative and practical insights to assist workplace and facilities management professionals in developing holistic net zero plans.

Surprisingly, despite public commitments to carbon reduction, our findings reveal that a significant number of organisations lack fundamental baseline data for assessing their carbon footprint. IWFM offers a practical guidance checklist stemming from a thought-provoking discussion with industry leaders and energy experts, emphasising the critical role of enhanced data and transparency in driving progress towards decarbonisation.

For more findings, download the full report from IWFM’s website, here: https://www.iwfm.org.uk/resource/net-zero-report-how-to-create-a-holistic-plan-and-get-buy-in-from-the-board.html

We’ve collaborated with edie to release a new guide on energy flexibility, which covers the business benefits of including flexibility in an organisation’s energy strategy, and explains why it is crucial in supporting the net zero energy transition. We offer an expert viewpoint from Chris Curry – Energy Transition Consultant – who suggests that optimisation solutions are key to support energy systems powered by more renewables.

To learn more, you can download the full ‘edie Explains: Energy Flexibility’ report from edie’s website, here: https://www.edie.net/edie-explains-energy-flexibility/

Chris Curry, Energy Transition Consultant, contributed to an insightful webinar with the Carbon Trust, following a report which identified the financial barriers that must be addressed to make electricity system flexibility more widely available. Alongside thought leaders and key industry players from Lloyds Bank, SSEN and the UK Infrastructure Bank (UKIB), he highlights the next steps energy and finance sector representatives can take to increase the availability of finance for flexibility services in the UK.

You can watch the full panel discussion here: https://www.carbontrust.com/our-work-and-impact/guides-reports-and-tools/energy-system-flexibility-opportunities-for-investors

Following edie’s SPARK! Net Zero Action Workshops event – which brings leaders across sustainability and energy together to connect and collaborate on crucial issues – we’ve collaborated with edie in publishing their Net Zero Accelerators: Renewables and Cleantech report. The report summarises high-level discussions from the event around how businesses can accelerate the net zero transition by adopting renewable electricity, and features an expert viewpoint from our Sales and Marketing Director, David Taylor.

With a distinct focus on renewable technologies, such as solar panels and battery storage, the report outlines key challenges and opportunities facing businesses as they look at their pathway to net zero.

You can learn more and read the Net Zero Accelerators: Renewables and Cleantech Report by visiting edie’s website, here: https://www.edie.net/net-zero-accelerators-renewables-and-cleantech-up-next-in-edies-miniseries-of-reports/

We’ve featured in edie’s 2020 SDG Spotlight report, which analyses how the energy industry can position ‘clean and affordable energy’ as a driver of both decarbonisation and economic growth, and primarily looks at how businesses and national policies can help to deliver Sustainable Development Goal 7: Clean and Affordable Energy.

The report includes an expert viewpoint from our Sales and Marketing Director, David Taylor, who discusses how technologies like smart meters can give businesses enhanced visibility of their electricity usage, and empower them to reach their net zero goals. He also advocates for a more flexible approach to electricity consumption, suggesting we all have a role to play in combining technology and behaviour change to support a grid powered by renewables.

You can read the full report here: https://www.edie.net/partner-content/sdg-spotlight-how-businesses-can-achieve-goal-7-clean-and-affordable-energy-2/