For many years, the energy transition and the idea of a net zero world has felt like something for the future. Obstacles such as poor availability, uncertain cost effectiveness and a lack of widespread knowledge or proven case studies have prevented businesses from embracing key energy transition-enabling technologies and taking action. Now, as these technologies become increasingly affordable and familiar, businesses are in the perfect position to act.

In this blog, we look at four technologies that will be key in the net zero energy transition and what they could mean for your business’s sustainable energy journey.

1. Storage: Maximise your self-generated electricity

Investing in energy storage is one of the simplest and most-effective ways to take advantage of the opportunities within the net zero energy transition. Able to store self-generated electricity as well as intelligently collect energy from the grid at times when it’s cheapest, batteries can help businesses avoid costly peak charges whilst also providing resilience. Batteries can also import energy from the grid when it’s at lower carbon intensity to help support a net zero system.

Battery energy storage also enables your business to maximise the use of other low-carbon technologies such as photovoltaic (PV) solar panels. Solar panels are a great choice for business looking to generate renewable electricity on-site because they can help you make use of otherwise largely unused space, such as rooftops.

Pairing technologies such as PV and battery storage can form the basis of an effective, wider energy strategy as storage enables your self-generated electricity to be used when the sun isn’t shining, instead of going to waste. Businesses could also choose to trade back to the grid at a time when others need it more, providing a new stream of revenue whilst supporting a net zero system.

2. Electric vehicles: Adopt a sustainable transportation strategy

Electric vehicles (EVs) are another way businesses can take their next steps in the net zero energy transition. And best of all, with the right strategy in place, there are multiple benefits to electrifying a business fleet. Having EV chargers on-site could boost footfall as EV cars become more popular among the public. Additionally, they could provide an extra revenue source if businesses rent out charging spaces to the community or other companies outside of office hours. And, if paired with a renewable electricity supply or on-site generation, a fleet of electric company cars can help a business reduce its carbon footprint straight away.

3. Heat pumps: Electrify your heating

With non-domestic buildings accounting for nearly 1/5 of the UK’s carbon emissions1, electrifying and decarbonising heating is becoming an increasing priority for businesses. Heat pumps have a key role to play in this and, as they become better understood, more affordable and accessible, how can businesses take advantage of them?

Air source or ground source heat pumps can be installed on the outside of commercial buildings and are powered by electricity. They work by extracting heat from air or water and using it to heat a building. This electrification of heating can help businesses reduce both their energy bills and, especially if powered by renewable electricity, their carbon emissions. Whilst a relatively new technology, businesses adopting heat pumps now can enhance their reputations as leaders in the energy transition.

4. Green hydrogen: Prepare for alternative fuels

As well as taking advantage of existing low-carbon technologies, businesses can also be aware of innovations that are – although in their early development stages – likely to play a major part in the future energy system. Green hydrogen is an example of this – a sustainable alternative to fossil fuel gas that can be produced using renewable energy sources. Extremely versatile, it can be used to power a variety of applications, and can be used as a fuel, to generate heat and electricity, as well as a raw material in industrial processes and products. As such, it’s likely to have a key role in decarbonising heat and transport, and for existing energy-using assets that cannot be electrified, such as high-temperature processes.

Optimisation: Take your energy transition to the next level

Through optimising their electricity use, businesses can maximise the benefits of these low-carbon technologies and reduce their electricity costs. Optimisation involves using data analytics and machine learning to analyse electricity consumption patterns and identify areas where usage can be adjusted for greater efficiency and in response to the grid’s needs.

For example, here at Bryt Energy, we use integrating technologies to harmonise customers’ electricity consumption (in operations such as industrial machinery, refrigeration or HVAC) with periods of high renewable generation and system needs. This enables businesses to be more intelligent and sustainable with their electricity usage, to earn revenue and reduce costs by making use of what they’ve already got – all while business activities remain unimpacted.

Get started, today

Low-carbon technologies are becoming more widely available, and increasingly more cost-effective. By considering storage technologies, on-site generation, electric vehicles, heat pumps and being aware of green hydrogen, businesses can embrace the cost saving, revenue and reputational opportunities these technologies offer. And, by bringing it all together with optimisation and a holistic energy strategy, businesses of any size can gain all the benefits and take this vital next step in their net zero energy transition journeys. And they can do it now.

Read the third guide in our Navigating The Net Zero Energy Transition And What It Means For Your Business series to find out more:


Businesses are facing a difficult balancing act. On the one hand, the challenges presented by high energy prices and a volatile market require immediate attention. On the other, the need to decarbonise and prepare for a net zero energy transition remains important. However, we believe that these challenges can all be tackled together, and that there are actions businesses can be taking right now to do so.  

That’s why we’ve created a series of guides to help companies navigate the net zero energy transition.

Part 2, ‘Take control of your energy, now’, shows what businesses can do to confidently take control of their energy usage while navigating the current landscape. Discover how you can adopt a new energy mindset, use good quality data to make informed usage decisions, talk to your electricity suppliers and rethink procurement strategies – and use all this to get ahead.

The guide also shows how optimisation technologies can help businesses become smarter and more responsible with their electricity usage, ready to support and benefit from a net zero system. 

To download the second e-guide in our series and start preparing your business for the net zero energy transition, today, visit:

Awareness of the net zero energy transition (the move from fossil fuels to renewables) has been growing in recent years. With the effects of climate change becoming increasingly visible, strong and sustained reductions in greenhouse gas emissions are needed to minimise further impact.

This isn’t a new concept for businesses, who are now increasingly recognising their role within a sustainable energy future. However, what isn’t so well known is the number and scale of opportunities available to businesses prepared to embrace this transition.

Whilst the net zero energy transition may seem daunting, it’s something that is not only achievable but can also offer financial, social and environmental benefits to those prepared to get involved early. That’s especially true now as businesses face more obvious, immediate challenges such as high, volatile energy costs and a tough economy.

However, we believe that tackling these issues and preparing for a sustainable energy future can go hand in hand. Here are four reasons why your business should embrace the energy transition:

Boost financial resilience

With the right contract, businesses can already see the financial rewards in becoming more engaged with their electricity usage and the grid.

By gaining greater control over their energy usage, businesses can save on costs, and access new revenue streams by offering flexibility to the grid. In fact, through our optimisation solutions, our customers have offset up to 20% of their energy spend by allowing us to tweak their consumption, within agreed limits, in line with system needs.

These benefits will only become more apparent in the avoidance of potential fees, high energy prices or costly infrastructure upgrades as the transition continues.

Future proof your business

As the world moves to decarbonise, businesses embracing the energy transition sooner rather than later can also put themselves in a better position to understand their own energy consumption.

By gaining this knowledge around their own operations, businesses can plan for the future. In doing so, they can ensure they adopt the low-carbon technologies most suited to their operations, alongside the tailored supply contracts to suit them. This enables businesses to work towards sustainability targets, reduce carbon emissions and meet regulatory compliance requirements.

Optimise existing assets, now

A common misconception among businesses is that embracing the energy transition is something they can’t afford the time or money to do. But getting started doesn’t require any huge expenditure, sweeping machinery upgrades or costly staff retraining – most businesses likely already have the technology in place to start making their move to a sustainable energy system.

Energy-using assets such as HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning), electric vehicles (EVs), energy storage or heat pumps have the potential to be optimised. This means businesses can start optimising their energy usage now, and see the financial rewards for providing flexibility to the grid.

Empower a sustainable energy future for all

Whilst the immediate business benefits may be primarily financial, long-term, changing our approach to electricity will also benefit our society as a whole. By adopting a new mindset when it comes to consumption, we can use the electricity network more responsibly. Thinking in terms of being energy “citizens” rather than “consumers”, we can act as “good grid citizens” and take a more considered approach to consumption, using only what’s needed.

Businesses embracing the energy transition, as good grid citizens, can help ensure a reliable and affordable net zero grid for all. This brings the opportunity to gain a reputational advantage as a leader in the energy transition space. As more and more businesses begin, or accelerate, their transition journeys, they will be looking at the examples and successes of early movers for inspiration.

The time to get involved is now

All these benefits, and more, are available to businesses who embrace the energy transition right now. Optimisation solutions are already available to help organisations use electricity more intelligently and sustainably, and to support the wider energy system in the UK in achieving net zero.


Download our FREE guide ‘Navigating the Net Zero energy transition and what it means for your business’ to find out more:

The world is moving from an energy system based on fossil fuels, to one powered by renewables. Businesses now understand that they have a major part to play in this transition and will need to become more active participants in the grid. While this might seem daunting, we believe Net Zero is something that is not only achievable but also filled with financial, social and environmental opportunities for businesses. 

That’s why we’ve created a series of guides to help businesses through the energy transition. Part one of ‘Navigating the Net Zero energy transition and what it means for your business’ lists four key things businesses need to know about getting involved with the energy transition.

Our experts have outlined how the energy industry is changing, why getting started on the transition may be easier than you think – and how to take advantage of vital opportunities for your business.  

To download our first e-guide and start preparing your business for the Net Zero energy transition, today, visit:

With many still feeling the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s been a challenging year for businesses of all sizes. Whilst it’s understandable that sustainability might not be front of mind for businesses right now, the climate crisis is only becoming more urgent with each day that passes. The transition to a low carbon energy system will be essential to reducing carbon emissions and preventing the catastrophic impacts of the climate crisis.

We sat down with our Head of Energy Transition, Stuart Taylor, to discuss some of the biggest challenges and opportunities businesses are facing right now.

What do you feel are the three biggest challenges within the energy transition facing businesses right now?

1. Businesses are struggling to balance the short and long-term.  

“From an energy market perspective, I think it’s safe to say that the past 18 months have brought a variety of challenges to business – all of which it’s felt have needed immediate attention. Without a doubt, the energy crisis has challenged businesses and the industry in ways we couldn’t have anticipated. 

Unfortunately, I think the short-term challenge of price has turned people’s attentions in a different direction and away from sustainability. Understandably, we’ve very much seen businesses focus on getting through this past winter – it’s been about keeping the lights on and limiting the damage. I’m also starting to get a feel that in many instances, capital that had been ring-fenced for future investment has either been paused, reduced or, in some extreme cases, pulled completely. It feels that the energy crisis has derailed some companies’ net zero ambitions – at least for now.” 


2. A lack of data is hampering progress.  

“During a recent Institute of Facilities and Workplace Management webinar (IWFM) that Bryt Energy presented at, between 36%-49% of the businesses attending felt that they did not have enough data to have a good grip on what they’re doing within their operations1. This is something that we’ve also noted in our own conversations with businesses. There is a lack of insight which makes it very difficult for businesses to understand their operations, this in turn is making it near-impossible to create a base position from which they can build.

With new low-carbon technologies required to achieve net zero, there will be a whole wave of data that is probably not even being considered yet. The challenge now will be gathering, processing and understanding this data to be able to make decisions in live time in order to capture the opportunities.”


3. Companies are finding it difficult to bring their energy plan together, holistically. 

“The cost pressures currently facing businesses seems to be resulting in additional stakeholders being brought to the table with competing agendas. Specialists are brought in, but often feel that they’re working separated from other business areas and can struggle to get the buy-in they need to push projects forwards.

Additionally, projects often aren’t viewed at a holistic level. Instead, they’re viewed in isolation and on whether they provide an immediate financial return or carbon reduction on their own. For greater success, such plans need to be considered as part of a long-term holistic view in which they can complement open opportunities in the future.” 

Whilst this might seem daunting, there are financial, social and environmental benefits to those prepared to take action – what do you feel the top three opportunities are for businesses?

1. The climate and energy crises can be tackled together.
“At Bryt Energy, we feel that really the energy crisis should be driving us faster to the UK’s net zero goals. Net zero is not something that we should be pausing or backing away from, it’s something which should be embraced and invested in. The transition to net zero is reducing our reliance on fossil fuels, increasing the UK’s energy resilience and capabilities, and it’s offering us greater security for our own energy supply needs.

As the CEO of our parent company, Statkraft, Christian Rynning-Tønnesen noted – The best measures to solve the ongoing energy crisis are the same measures that are crucial to fighting the climate crisis”.

With a long-term plan, you’re naturally also going to tackle the short-term challenges businesses are currently facing. That’s why having this plan, committing to it and sticking with it is definitely where businesses need to be. Now is a moment for reflection, but it’s also a moment for response.”


2. Bringing it all together comes with some major business benefits.
“Whilst not as severe as they have been, high energy prices and market volatility seem to be here to stay in the UK energy market. As we transition to a renewable system, there will be an increasing need to balance generation and demand, and we’re very quickly going to find ourselves in a market that must respond accordingly. We need to make sure that we’re in a position to react to what that market looks like – which at the minute, in reality, we’re probably nowhere near.

Having the data from their operations is a great starting point, but businesses need to be able to quickly respond to all this data across portfolios that may be far more complex than they are now. Optimisation solutions can help bring energy assets (both new technology and existing operations) together so that businesses can be more intelligent and sustainable with their electricity usage.

At Bryt Energy, we combine our renewable expertise and wholesale energy market access with industry leading technology providers to offer pioneering solutions; our optimisation solutions seamlessly integrate with customer assets and buildings to enhance their electricity usage and unlock the value from their operations. This can really help them access all the benefits available, whilst supporting a net zero system.”


3. There is opportunity for innovation.
“The energy landscape is changing, and businesses need to respond, or face increased risks. By being proactive and tackling it now, they can take advantage of the opportunities to utilise low-carbon technologies and discover new innovative ways of working.

Bringing people together to collaborate can be challenging and certainly feels risky, however it also offers huge opportunity. Sharing learnings means advancement of the system of a whole and increased success in decarbonisation. And, it also opens up new possibilities for innovation within businesses. Through better data insight and information sharing, it may be possible to identify improvements to ways of working, efficiencies, or even whole new systems and technologies.

Whilst the current market may be challenging, with a shared desire to find new and innovative ways of working we can achieve our net zero ambitions, together.”


Learn more about how we can support your businesses’s energy sustainability goals with optimisation at or get in touch with our team here.

  1. Institute of Facilities and Workplace Management (IWFM) and Bryt Energy webinar

We’re proud to announce the launch of our partnership with Wattstor, the pioneer in intelligent energy management systems, and our new combined offering: MarketShield.

With a shared commitment to sustainability and a dedication to driving progress in sectors that haven’t typically had access to innovative transitional energy technologies, together we’re poised to revolutionise the way businesses generate, store, consume and trade their electricity.

Our partnership has resulted in the launch of our collaborative offering, ‘MarketShield’. MarketShield combines our zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity supply and unique access to electricity market revenue streams, with Wattstor’s pioneering optimisation technology, to enable industrial and commercial end-users to take advantage of the electricity market volatility, whilst maintaining supply cost certainty. Whether businesses have batteries, solar, electric vehicles or other assets, they can be rewarded for adjusting their consumption in line with system needs.

This offering is aimed at mid-size industrial and commercial businesses, whether on fixed or flexible contracts, that have been left out of the energy picture due to their size, yet have much to contribute to the net zero energy transition and much to gain from the savings opportunities.

We have had several clients sign up since our beta launch in Summer 2022, all of which have seen significant savings. One client, a hospitality setting in the UK, has seen a reduction in their energy bill of 70%, an equivalent to £248 per kW per year.

Stuart Taylor, our Head of Energy Transition, commented, “The net zero energy transition is only achievable if we embrace technology and find new solutions. Flexibility is no longer just for large, industrial businesses in ancillary markets – it should and needs to be accessible to all. That’s why we’re excited to announce our partnership offering with Wattstor.

If your business has technologies such as solar, batteries, electric vehicles, HVAC or refrigeration, you could be sitting on untapped sources of flexibility that could be optimised to save you money, earn revenue, and play your part in the net zero energy transition.”

Stephan Marty, CEO at Wattstor, commented, “We are thrilled to have forged this strategic partnership with Bryt Energy. Business end-user needs are evolving. The energy crisis has delivered catastrophic blows to mid-market I&C businesses, a sector that is often left behind when it comes to participating in energy initiatives. We are delighted to offer a solution that will help these businesses to reach both their environmental and financial goals.”

He continued, “Many businesses don’t realise the scale of the opportunity in the energy markets. Our customers don’t want complex contracts, or technology that requires their input and maintenance. That’s why MarketShield works so seamlessly, everything is automated. This approach showcases that market access need not carry risk, and that sophisticated technologies such as Wattstor’s are very much accessible.”

For more information on how this pioneering combination of technology and contract could work for your business, get in touch with our team here, or contact Wattstor.

About Wattstor

Wattstor empowers energy freedom. Businesses and communities are pushing for their energy to be more sustainable, less costly, and better optimised towards markets. Simple-yet-sophisticated flexible energy management technology is the key, Wattstor is the partner.

Wattstor is a pioneer in energy management systems. Their automated technology enables electricity end-users to harness the power of renewables, storage, load and EV charging to deliver carbon-reduction and cost savings. They do this through intelligent control of onsite distributed energy resources, ensuring the best ROI within grid constraints, and maximising participation in electricity markets, all without risk.

About Bryt Energy

Part of the Statkraft group, we provide British businesses with zero carbon, 100% renewable electricity, sourced solely from Solar, Wind and Hydro.

Through our pioneering products and services, we empower businesses to create value from their electricity usage by optimising their consumption and challenging the way they interact with the electricity system.

For decades now, the task of balancing our electricity network has been supported by large businesses. Through services like Short Term Operating Reserve (STOR) and peak avoidance, businesses have contributed to resolving any mismatch between demand and supply, supporting National Grid in avoiding potentially disruptive balancing events.


But as we transition to a low carbon energy system and balancing the system becomes increasingly complex, it’s time to rethink demand response. We are no longer dealing with a linear generator-to-consumer model built around dispatchable, fossil fuel-powered generation. Now our generators are ‘greener’, but they’re also more distributed, more intermittent and less dispatchable. And with a wave of electric vehicles and heat pumps set to connect to the system over the coming years, the shape, volume and variability of electricity demand will grow significantly, putting extra pressure on the system.


This means that system operators will become increasingly reliant on flexibility to ensure demand can match supply. In fact, The Carbon Trust1 recently suggested that in order to operate an efficient net zero energy system by 2050, 11GW of flexible demand will be needed from commercial users, 12GW from smart assets, and 48GW from electric vehicles.


It’s clear that demand flexibility is critical to an efficient net zero energy system, so why aren’t more businesses being helped and encouraged to participate? While the tools and mechanisms have been developing to meet those needs, the investment now must go into developing consumer-based flexibility products with real appeal.


In a net zero system, responsible consumption isn’t just about using less energy; it’s equally about when you use it. The more consumers can synchronise their energy usage with renewable generators, the easier it will be to support a system powered on renewables alone. If we could always time our electricity usage to coincide with periods when the sun is shining or the wind is blowing, there would be considerably less requirement to store and shift generated power, or to deploy fossil fuel generators to fill the gaps.


Whilst necessary to decarbonise, the roll-out of electric transport and heating will also put networks under increased stress at specific times. For instance, a cold evening where entire neighbourhoods switch on their heat-pumps and plug in their cars would cause existing networks to fail. Dynamic management of these assets (and others) would help to avoid network stress events, mitigating the need for the expensive and time-consuming infrastructure upgrades.


Put simply, smart consumption of electricity will both enable and support the transition to net zero.


Until now, DSR schemes have been largely focused on targeting red band periods: the 7% of the year when avoidable energy costs are the most concentrated. In today’s more sophisticated energy landscape, this approach is outdated, limiting participation from businesses unable to turn down during this time and failing to offer support to the system throughout the day. The value of red band avoidance will also be greatly diminished once the Targeted Charging Review (TCR) takes effect. Today, demand flexibility needs to be more continuous, subtle and agile; to enable greater participation and support the system’s flexibility needs for 100% of the year. We will need to focus on ‘optimisation’ rather than ‘turning down’, and to do so at scale.


For businesses prepared to participate in an agile energy system, there are financial advantages to be gained, from saving money to accessing new revenue streams. For instance, organisations opting for Bryt Energy’s optimisation solutions are able to offset 20% of their energy spend by allowing us to subtly tweak their consumption (within agreed limits) in line with system needs, without impacting their operations2.


Whereas the financial incentives of optimisation are increasingly clear, the carbon incentive for businesses remains less so. Unlike installing a solar PV system or switching to an electric vehicle, where carbon savings can be easily measured and reported on, there is currently no mechanism for businesses to account for the benefits created through demand flexibility.


What we believe businesses need next is a means of articulating the success of their optimisation efforts. While it’s not possible to put a tangible metric on the tonnes of carbon saved through optimisation at an individual business level, we’d like to see incentives for participation and a recognition of their contribution to a cleaner energy system. That’s when we’ll see a real acceleration in adoption, as sustainability-focused businesses will be able to demonstrate how energy optimisation is supporting system decarbonisation.


Given the clear system requirements and value proposition, the foundations to accelerate adoption of demand flexibility certainly exist. However, to truly make a difference, flexibility needs to be accessible to businesses of all sizes and types. It must be simple to understand, place no additional time or resource strain on the business, and create no operational disruption. It should also be able to provide all of the commercial, environmental and reputational benefits that come with making a commitment to net zero.


So, we’re developing a range of optimisation solutions to help businesses use electricity more intelligently and sustainably, and to support the energy system in achieving net zero. Combining our expertise in renewables and market access with industry leading technology providers, our solutions seamlessly integrate with customer assets and buildings to optimise their electricity usage and unlock the value from their operations. This approach helps to secure an efficient, affordable and reliable renewable future for us all.


If you’re interested in how our optimisation solutions can support your business on the next step of its sustainability journey, get in touch with our team of experts at or on 0330 053 8620.


Bryt Energy and partner’s analysis

It has been a challenging few weeks for the UK energy market, from low generation capacity to volatile energy prices. With many businesses wondering how they will be affected, we’ve taken a look back at the recent events and the opportunities available to those prepared to support the system with demand flexibility.

As has been well publicised in the news, over the past few weeks energy prices have increased drastically, due to unexpected pressure on the UK’s energy system. Day ahead auction prices for energy (N2EX) have reached record highs of £2,500 per MWh1, compared to averages of £50 per MWh this time last year2.


There are various factors contributing to the current pressure on the system, leading to volatile energy prices.

Firstly, the UK has experienced one of the least windy summers on record3, meaning less wind power has been generated than usual. It has also not been particularly sunny or bright, so overall we have had considerably less renewable energy generated in the system than we would normally expect at this time of year. In addition, some power stations that usually provide capacity are currently offline, due to planned maintenance and servicing. And a recent fire at an electricity interconnector in Kent has unexpectedly reduced access to European generation capacity. This means that we have been limited in terms of switching on other generators to replace the missing renewable energy.

As a result, gas and coal-fired electricity plants have been called upon to make up the shortfall. However, gas prices have recently soared, due to additional demand for Liquid Natural Gas (LNG) from Asia creating a global shortage, and historic low levels of gas in storage ahead of winter causing the UK to rely on expensive imports. This has in turn pushed up electricity prices in the UK.

The return of coal to help meet demand is disappointing news after celebrating record-breaking coal-free periods last year, especially in the run up to COP26 – the Glasgow Climate Summit.


Whilst the current market situation presents some challenges, it also highlights the importance of flexibility and the rewards businesses could gain for supporting the system.

As we transition away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy, we will be more reliant on intermittent generation affected by weather, such as the period of low wind we are currently experiencing. The resulting volatile prices are a signal that the system needs support in balancing supply with demand.

With the right set-up and market access, consumers can be paid for supporting the system in times of need, by shifting their usage away from the expensive periods. For example, last week we were able to sell some of our customers’ energy back at the £2,500 auction price referenced above. This allowed our customers to generate revenue whilst directly supporting the energy system, offsetting coal emissions in the energy mix along the way.

Increasing business participation in demand flexibility will be crucial in the transition to net zero and will help reduce the system’s reliance on fossil fuels, one KWh at a time. If you’d like to learn more about how our optimisation solutions can help your business, get in touch with our team of experts at or on 0330 053 8620.
