Big Zero Show 2022: Bryt Energy explains the role of demand side response in achieving the net zero energy transition

21st June 2022 | Energy Transition

As part of this year’s Big Zero Show, Chris Curry – Energy Transition Consultant – argues that the role of demand response needs to evolve if we want to achieve an effective net zero energy system.

In his presentation, he suggests that more dynamic management of energy assets is needed to provide greater system flexibility, helping to avoid network stress events. To truly make a difference, he argues that flexibility needs to be more accessible to businesses of all sizes and types, allowing them to better support an electricity system powered by renewables. Lastly, he emphasised the role that transitional technologies – such as storage batteries and heat pumps – have to play in a net zero future, as well as highlighting the importance of smart meters, which are empowering businesses to better understand their energy usage.

You can watch his full speech by visiting Future Net Zero’s website, here:

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